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A-Z of council services
Abandoned vehicles
Active trails
Activities for young people
Adoption in Barnet
Adult immunisation
Advice for existing Housing Benefit claims
After school activities
Alcohol, entertainment, late night refreshment licences
Animal licensing
Anti-social behaviour
Apprenticeship Council Tax discount application
Ark Pioneer Academy
Arrears and debt recovery
Barnet Council
Barnet First magazine
Barnet War Memorials Association
Barnet Youth Assembly
Barnet consultations
Bed bugs
Benefits and financial advice
Bin collection day, find yours
Bin collection issues
Bin collection updates
Bin collections
Bin collections, additional wheeled
Bin collections, missed
Births, deaths and certificates
Black refuse bin
Blue recycling bin
Budget monitoring reports
Bulky household waste collections
Burglary and preventing crime
Business environmental health
Business licences, permits and registrations
Business networking
Business rates
Business rates discounts, exemptions and relief
Business rates explained
Business rates, pay
Business rates: change of circumstances
Business recycling and waste
Business waste collections
Businesses that support the community
COVID-19 guidelines for working safely
COVID-19 testing
Car park permits
Caravan and Camping site licences
Certificate changes, registration
Certificate copies, birth death, marriage
Child abuse
Child safety, report concerns
Childcare and early education for 2 year olds
Civic awards
Clinical waste
Clothing and textiles
Commercial property for sale and rent
Community Right to Bid
Community Right to Challenge
Community groups and events
Community safety
Community safety volunteering
Conservation and heritage
Consumer advice
Contaminated bins
Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ), how they work
Coroners and mortuaries
Council House application
Council Tax
Council Tax banding and valuations
Council Tax severe mental impairment discount application
Council Tax single person discount application
Council Tax support
Council Tax, change of address
Council Tax, pay
Council housing
Council tax student discount
Council tax text messaging, email and telephone contact
Deaths, report
Digital inclusion
Disabled Facilities Grant application
Disabled parking
Disabled parking bay
Discretionary business rate relief scheme
Dollis Valley Greenwalk
Domestic violence
Drains, water and sewers
EZ news test 14.3.25
EZ test Landing Page 14.03.25
EZ test basic page 14.03.25
Election results
Elections and Voting
Energy efficiency
Environmental health
Environmental licences
Environmental problem, report
Environmental problems
ez test WWC 17.3.25
ez test WWC landing page 17.3.25
ez test basic page 20.3.25
Fair Play Barnet Maximum Accessibility Playground
Family information service
Finance, funding and pensions
Finchley Youth Activity Centre
Fire safety for timber-framed homes
Fire, gas and electrical safety
Fit and Active Barnet (FAB)
Fixed Penalty Notice
Flats recycling and waste
Flood and Water Management
Fly-tipping, report
Food safety
Food waste
Free school meals
Free schools and academies
Furniture recycling and reuse
Gambling permits and registrations
Garden waste stickers
Get involved with your community
Get support to stop smoking
Grants to voluntary and community organisations
Green garden waste bin
Guidance to promote good design
Hate crime
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health and safety at work
Health and safety for business
Healthier high streets and workplaces
Hendon Cemetery and Crematorium
Hendon Town Hall
Hendon Town Hall, room hire
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme
Holocaust memorial
Home composting and wormeries
Home schooling
Household recycling and waste
Housing Benefit appeal
Housing benefit application
Housing inspections
Housing, affordable
Housing, discount market sale
Housing, private
Housing, rent property to the council
In year admissions – change school during the year
Information and Advice for Post 16 Pathways
Insurance and claiming compensation
Jobs and training
Keeping children safe
Kerb lowering, crossovers
Landing page PL test UAT 15 March
Landlords and pests
Landlords in Barnet, information
Leader's business breakfast - supporting your community
Learning disabilities
Leisure and sports facilities
Leisure centre redevelopment
Libraries, find your nearest
Libraries, renewal of items
Library catalogue search
Library membership
Library services for 5 to 11 year olds
Library services for children aged under 5
Library services for children and young people
Library services for teenagers
Licences, permits and registrations
Licensing register
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Local Government Pension Scheme
Local land charges
London Youth Games
London landlord's accreditation scheme
Looking after someone else's child
Make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request
Management structure
Markets and events
Marriages and civil partnerships, approval of venue
Mayor's Golden Kilometre challenge
Memorial benches
NHS Health Checks
Nappies, environmentally friendly
Noise problems and nuisance
Online resources
Open data and information requests
Outdoor sport sessions and facilities
PL UAT 14 MARCH 2025
Parking and traffic enforcement
Parking bay suspensions
Parking permits
Parking restrictions
Parking, Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ)
Parking, cashless
Parks, events
Parks, open spaces and trees
Penalty Charge Notice, challenge
Pest control
Pest control, book
Pharaoh ants
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
Planning and building control
Planning application comments
Planning application, submit
Planning fast track service
Planning policies
Policies, plans and performance
Pre-application planning advice
Preparing for emergencies
Preparing for emergencies: recovering from major disruptions to your business
Primary admissions, reception places
Primary school applications
Primary school catchment area maps
Private tenants
Public Health
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)
There are currently no services beginning with Q.
Radicalisation and Prevent
Re-register a birth
Recycling and waste
Recycling in schools
Reduce and reuse for Barnet
Reducing the impact of COVID-19 on your business
Regeneration - Delivering for Barnet
Register a birth
Register a death
Register a stillbirth
Register of Electors
Repatriation of bodies abroad
Reuse and recycle electrical items
Right to rent and immigration inspections
Road, street or pavement problems
Roads and pavements
Room hire at the Council's Colindale office
SEN admissions
Saracens event day CPZ
School Libraries Resources Service
School admission guides
School admissions
School admissions terms and conditions
School appeals
School governors
School meals, travel and benefits
School support information
School term and holiday dates
School travel
School waiting lists
Schools and education
Schools in Barnet
Sexual health, adults
Sexual health, young people
Shared ownership
Social Value
Special waste collections
Sport and physical activity
Stray dogs
Street trading licences
Street works and road closures
Substance misuse
Summers Lane recycling and reuse centre
Support for parents and carers
Tackling Child Exploitation
Tennis in Barnet
Tennis in parks privacy notice
Time banded waste collections
Tobacco sales and shisha lounges
Town Centres
Town Team, set one up
Town teams
Town twinning
Trading licences
Trading standards and consumer advice
Trading standards and licensing enforcement, report an issue
Tree preservation orders
UK Youth Parliament and Barnet Youth Ambassador Scheme
Underage sales: restricted products
Using a library computer
Voluntary, community and faith groups
Volunteering opportunities
Voting, polling stations
Voting, postal
Voting, proxy
Walking in Barnet
Walks and trails
Work out your business rates
There are currently no services beginning with X.
Young carers
Young parents
Young people
Your Health Barnet
Your council
Youth Justice Service
Youth and democracy
There are currently no services beginning with Z.
2012 Local Plan (Superseded)