Search for and comment on planning applications; find out if your project needs planning permission; find out how to apply
The simplest way to report a potential planning breach is by completing our new online form
Search the building control archive for architectural drawings, structural calculations, drainage plans, decision notices
and completion certificates
You must check if you need approval before you construct or change buildings
Both full plans and building notice types of application need to be submitted before you start work
Get advice from a building control surveyor
Find out about cladding and fire safety in our buildings
Our local policies set out what we must consider when deciding an application
Listed buildings, conservation areas, historic parks, gardens, and ancient monuments
Find out about the regeneration schemes in Barnet
Ask us to search the local land charges register
Let us know about a dangerous building or structure
Apply to name or re-name streets and properties
You can appeal if you think your project shouldn't have to comply with building regulations
List of building control charges and exemptions