School admissions
List of child page links
Apply for a primary school
Applications for starting reception and transferring from infant to junior school
Apply for secondary school
Including applications for transfer to a University Technology College or Studio school, for pupils aged 14-19 years
School phase transfers for children with an EHC Plan
School phase transfers for children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans)
In-year admissions
Apply for a school place during the school year
School year groups
Find out what school year group your child is in and what school application to make
Out of year admissions
Apply for a child to be admitted to a different year group at school
School appeals
How to appeal for a school place
Determined admission arrangements
Admission arrangements that set out how children will be admitted
School waiting lists
How school waiting lists work
School admissions terms and conditions
Our terms and conditions when applying for a school place