Fostering helps to nurture and protect Barnet’s youth
There are parents who have the best intention of being there physically, emotionally and financially for their children. However, it’s simply not possible for them to accommodate to the level required for their impressionable young ones. This could be for many reasons such as drug and/or alcohol addiction, mental health conditions and/or financial limitations. Fostering gives a child the opportunity to have some home-life stability, which is crucial for their development – allowing them the opportunity to thrive as they get older.
Thank you for your dongles, from Live Unlimited
Live Unlimited, the charity set up by Barnet Council two years ago, experienced overwhelming support for its Give A Dongle campaign.
The rewards of fostering: Providing a safe loving home for a child
We have over 320 children in foster care in Barnet, so it’s incredibly important we raise awareness and show our support for this essential part of our community. With only a few days left, join us in showcasing the honourable commitment of foster carers in the local area by using the hashtag #ThisIsFostering on social media.
Message from the Leader, Cllr Dan Thomas: Update for the parents and carers of Barnet’s school children
Firstly, schools have worked extremely hard during the COVID-19 crisis to keep open when possible, providing places for the children of keyworkers and vulnerable children. It is to the credit of our dedicated school staff that we have been able to continue to support students, as well as offering a range of virtual lessons for most pupils.
Message from Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council (13 May 2020)
While we must remain alert to the threat of the virus, we can do more outdoors than previous restrictions allowed.
Waste authority urges restraint as recycling centres reopen
North London Waste Authority (NLWA) is calling on Barnet residents to stop and think carefully before rushing to visit one of north London’s reuse and recycling centres (RRCs).
We are celebrating Foster Care Fortnight!
We have over 320 children in foster care in Barnet therefore it’s incredibly important we raise awareness and show our support for this essential part of our community. Join us in showcasing the honourable commitment of foster carers in the local area by using the hashtag #ThisIsFostering
Jane, a Barnet resident, explains how fostering has changed her life:
Message from the Leader, Cllr Dan Thomas: Thank you to all our carers
Barnet has the biggest care network in London, with over 10,000 people working in adult social care across 160 care providers, including 83 care homes. This has been an extremely difficult time for everyone working in the caring profession and I would like us all to take a moment to recognise the massive commitment they have shown and thank them for their dedication.
Council pledges £125,000 fund for Barnet’s voluntary and community organisations
The council is contributing £50,000 into the Barnet Community Response Fund and is also committing up to £25,000 to match pound-for-pound public donations. Barnet Community Response Fund has been set up by Barnet Together to help food banks, small charities and local organisations working with communities most at risk and affected by the crisis.
Become a ‘Home Hero’ - 26 minutes to help Barnet Charities
While need is increasing across Barnet due to crisis, donations have been badly hit, meaning that local Barnet charities need the support of Barnet residents more than ever.
The 2.6 Challenge is a national initiative to support charities on Sunday 26th April, the day the London Marathon would have taken place and raised millions of pounds for UK charities.