Barnet’s residents are being asked for their views on the council’s draft Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2020.

Council news
Residents have until Thursday 10 December to respond to the questionnaire:
The council’s Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy was last updated in 2013. The new policy reflects the progress the council has made since then, as well as meeting current challenges. Central to the policy is the council’s commitment to advancing equality, promoting community cohesion and tackling discrimination.
John Hooton, the council’s chief executive, said:
“We want Barnet to be a fair, inclusive and a safe place for all our communities. A place where discrimination is tackled, hate crime is reported and dealt with promptly, and everyone feels safe to live their life.
“Unfortunately, injustice and equality continue to exist in the world, and within Barnet. We can’t ignore these problems or hope that that they will go quietly away. As a council, our approach to tackling them is first to listen to our residents and let that shape our plans.
“Our proposed action plan sets out how we will deliver our ambitions for making the borough a welcoming home for all. It sets out the high standards we expect of ourselves. It demonstrates the efforts we will undertake to build an inclusive culture within our workforce and that has a positive impact on the residents we serve. It shows how we will shape our services which actively address inequality and exclusion, and proactively promotes the building of good relations between different communities.”
Read the consultation document and share your views on the draft Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2020: