

Barnet residents to pledge one sustainable lifestyle change for week of climate action

The pledges can be simple and small changes that will help them towards the national and local ‘net zero’ target of sustainable living.

Barnet Council’s employees have already started making their pledges, which include:

Barnet celebrates £6.2m investment of Colindale parks, with fun day for all

The event, which takes place on Saturday 25 June, will include inflatables, music, food, sports demonstrations, competitions, giveaways and much more. It will run from 12noon-4pm across all three of the popular parks.

Councillor Alan Schneiderman, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee, said: “We can’t wait to welcome everyone to this fun-packed and exciting event. There will be something for everyone to enjoy – whether you’re bringing the family, coming with your friends, or just strolling through.

Barnet Council lights up Hendon Town Hall in memory of those who died in the Grenfell tragedy

Barnet council is to light up Hendon Town Hall tonight (Monday 13 June) and tomorrow night to honour the memory of those who died in the Grenfell Tower tragedy five years ago.

On June 14 in 2017, a fire swept through a 24-storey block of flats in North Kensington and killed 72 people.

To mark five years since the tragedy, Barnet joined authorities all over the capital, in lighting up green for Grenfell.

Barnet Youth Offending Service doing ‘Good’ work with local children

Barnet Youth Offending Service (YOS) has received an overall rating of ‘Good’ following an inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP).

Inspectors were pleased with the way Barnet YOS was organised, citing high-quality work in safeguarding, governance arrangements and work with their partners. The inspection also found the service has in-house speech and language therapy and a psychologist.

Barnet celebrates Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 

Barnet is celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a record-breaking 130+ street parties, fairs, big lunches and family-friendly activities for everyone to join.

One of the main events is the Golders Hill Fun Day which takes place on Thursday 2 June, from 2pm to 10pm.

Barnet Council launches specialised support events for Ukrainians

Barnet Council launched a successful information event for recently arrived Ukrainians last Thursday (19 May) at Barnet and Southgate College in Colindale.

The event, translated live in Ukrainian, informed over 60 attendees about opportunities to work, learn English, access healthcare and a range of local services. Sponsorship has been provided by Cadent Gas and Hill Group to purchase and provide laptops to help access employment and education opportunities more easily.

Councillor Alison Moore becomes the 57th Mayor of Barnet

Councillor Alison Moore has become the 57th Mayor of Barnet after being officially sworn in during the Annual Council Meeting held on Tuesday 24 May at Hendon town Hall.

Councillor Moore takes over from the Borough’s previous Mayor, Councillor Alison Cornelius.

Councillors honour Councillor Melvin Cohen after 40 years of service

Councillor Melvin Cohen was honoured for his 40 years of service to the Borough of Barnet at the Annual General Meeting of the Council at Hendon Town Hall, Tuesday 24 May.

He was awarded a certificate by the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Alison Cornelius.

Elected to represent the Golders Green ward in 1982, he has been doing so continuously during four decades of public service, memorably serving as Mayor in 2003/4 and again in 2013/14.

Barnet Council takes part in No Mow May to create wildlife-friendly greenspaces

Throughout May, Barnet Council will not cut grass in many of the borough’s parks, greenspaces and roadside verges. In total, 26 parks and green spaces will be left uncut for a month. Barnet Council's new administration want to work with residents to identify more spaces which can be permanently rewilded.

According to Plantlife, organisers of No Mow May, a three-acre meadow can be home to nine million flowers producing enough nectar to support ½ million bees every day.

Update on roadworks at Apex Corner

Following further work between Barnet Council Officers and Transport for London the roadworks of the current phase have been reduced:

A Barnet Council spokesperson said:

"TfL has committed to reducing the duration of the current phase of work on the A41 by one week, it is now scheduled to be completed by 10 June. As of 10 June the next phases should be less disruptive and should reduce current congestion."

Information correct as of 11.50 Friday 27 May 2022


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