Adult social care in Barnet
Barnet Council has committed to giving residents and community groups a greater say in designing its adult social care services, after councillors voted last night (14 November) for the Engagement & Co-Production Strategy and Charter for Adult Social Care.
The strategy, which was tabled at the Adults & Safeguarding Committee held at Hendon Town Hall, was ‘co-designed’ following extensive engagement with those with lived experience of adult social care, as well as community organisations and local professionals working in the field. The strategy aims to increase the level of input and direction local people can give in developing and transforming the adult social care services the council provides.
Barnet’s Adults and Safeguarding Committee Chair, Cllr Paul Edwards, said: “We are committed to being a caring council that listens to and works with our residents before making decisions that impact them.
“This strategy and charter set out how we will step up our ambitions and aspirations to engage and co-design adult social care services more extensively, with a truly diverse range of voices and views.
“By engaging directly with a wide range of people who have experience of drawing on adult social care, we can ensure that resident involvement is high quality, meaningful and inclusive. This will improve the quality of care we can provide.”
The new strategy and charter will build on the work already underway with residents, local organisations and experts, as work together to understand, shape and improve adult social care.
Adult social care is one of Barnet’s largest sectors, worth £300m to the local economy annually and employing 10,000 people. The borough has more than 80 registered care homes and 70 registered home care agencies.
If you have experience of adult social care in Barnet and would like to get involved and have your say, please contact us on engage.adults@barnet.gov.uk.