Barnet Local Plan review: examination in public
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Updated 5 March 2025
The Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan were subject to public consultation over a six-week period. The Council provided its response on the consultation to the Inspectors which is listed as EXAM 158 and EXAM 158A below. All representations received in response to the consultation with the Council’s response to the Inspector are listed on the webpage for Barnet’s Main Modification to the local Plan.
Following receipt of the Planning Inspector's report in November 2024 the Council has been progressing the Local Plan towards adoption.
The Inspector’s Report concluded that the duty to cooperate has been met, and that subject to the recommended Main Modifications set out in the Appendix of the report, the Barnet Local Plan 2021 to 2036 is legally compliant, sound and in general conformity with the London Plan.
The Council’s Cabinet meeting on 5th February (item 10 on the agenda) agreed to refer the Local Plan to full Council on the 4th March 2025 for formal adoption.
Barnet's Local Plan was adopted by Council on March 4th 2025
Local Plan Examination Hearings
The Barnet Local Plan Examination hearing sessions commenced on Tuesday 20 September 2022 in Hendon Town Hall. They progressed in accordance with the published programme and closed on Friday 11 November 2022.
The Inspectors submitted their Post Hearings Letter to the Council in August 2023:
The Council has worked with the Inspectors, through the Programme Officer, to finalise the wording of proposed Main Modifications, together with any necessary updates to the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitat Regulations Assessment and Policies Map.
Hearing sessions venue and timetable
Hearing Sessions will commence at 09.30am on Tuesday 20 September 2022 in Committee Rooms 1 and 2 of Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, Hendon, NW4 4BG.
The following documents have been produced by the Inspectors:
The Matters, Issues and Questions provide the framework for discussions during the hearing sessions.
View the London Borough of Barnet Privacy Notice
Written Statements
The following Written Statements have been received in response to the Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions.
Matter 1: Legal Compliance and the Duty to Co-operate
Matter 2: Spatial Strategy and Strategic Policies
Matter 3: Meeting the Borough’s Housing Needs
Matter 4: Economy, Employment, Retail and Town Centres
Matter 5: Climate Change, Environment and Green Belt
Matter 6: Transport, Communications and Infrastructure
Matter 7: Viability and Policy Requirements
Matter 8 Written Statements - Design Tall Buildings Heritage
Matter 9 Written Statements - Parks and Open Space
Matter 10 Written Statements - Site Allocations
Matter 11 Written Statements - Delivery
Matter 12 - Monitoring
Core and base documents
In preparing the Plan, the council refer to a number of documents that together form the evidence base for the examination.
Check the submission documents for examination
Examination documents
Initial Responses Letters and Guidance Notes
EXAM 1: Inspectors’ Initial Letter to LBB, 9 February 2022 (ODT, 60 KB)
EXAM 1A: Response to Inspectors' Initial Letter to LBB (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 1D: Response to Inspectors' Initial Letter to LBB - addendum (PDF, 0.1 MB)
EXAM 1K: LBB Initial Responses to Reg 19 Representations on Policies (PDF, 0.7 MB)
EXAM 1L: LUC for LBB - HRA Actions for Review (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 2: Inspectors' Next Steps letter 18th May 22 (PDF, 0.1 MB)
EXAM 2A: Barnet's Response to Inspectors Next Steps letter 27 May 22 (PDF, 0.1 MB)
EXAM 3 Summary Note of Initial Logistics Meeting 17th June 2022 (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 5: Examination Public Notice (PDF, 0.1MB)
Exam 6: Guidance Note (DOCX, 0.1 MB)
Exam 7: Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions for Hearing Sessions (DOCX, 0.1 MB)
Weekly Actions Lists
Examination Notes
Evidence Base Additions
EXAM 1B: Housing Technical Paper (PDF, 0.5 MB)
EXAM 1E: Parks and Recreation Technical Paper (PDF, 0.3 MB)
EXAM 1F: Local Plan Viability Technical Note (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 1G: Supplementary Planning Documents Technical Paper (PDF, 0.6 MB)
EXAM 1H: Biodiversity Technical Paper (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 1I: Town Centres and Retail Technical Paper (PDF, 0.3 MB)
EXAM 1J: Employment Land Technical Paper (PDF, 0.2 MB)
Exam 8 Habitats Regulation Screening Assessment (PDF, 0.1 MB)
Exam 15- Barnet Long Term Transport Strategy
Exam 91 Barnet Community Infrastructure Levy: Regulation 123 List (PDF, 0.1 MB)
EXAM 92 - 2016 Health survey for England (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 93- Barnet Education Strategy (PDF, 0.4 MB)
EXAM 94- LB Camden Local Plan 2017 (PDF, 19.1 MB)
EXAM 95- Health Impact Assessment (HIA) (PDF, 0.03 MB)
EXAM 96 - Healthier Catering Commitment (HCC) (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM LB 97 - Southwark Local Plan 2022 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM LB 98 - Lambeth Local Plan Sept 2021 (PDF, 15.6 MB)
EXAM 99 - Environment Act 2021 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 100- LB Havering Local Plan 2022 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 102- Mayor of London Green infrastructure map (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 103 - Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Enfield (PDF, 0.04 MB)
EXAM 104 -The Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 105 - GLA Practice Note (PDF, 0.02 MB)
EXAM 106 - Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 108 - Assets, Regeneration and Growth Committee November 2018 Agenda item 7: North Finchley Town Centre Development (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 109 - Regeneration and Growth Committee March 2018 Agenda item 7: North Finchley Town Centre Development (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 110 - Policy and Resources Committee February 2018 Agenda item 7: North Finchley Town Centre Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 111 - Resources Committee December 2016 Agenda item 8: North Finchley Town Centre Area Framework (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 112- Policy and Resources Committee, July 2021 Agenda item 10: Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Allocations (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 113- 14 Policy and Resource Committee, Dec 2020 Agenda Item 12: Annual Procurement Forward Plan [APFP] (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 115 Briefing Paper ‘The value of BREEAM’ (PDF, 0.02 MB)
EXAM 117 - Nuisance Smells How Councils Deal With Complaints (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 118- London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 119 - Professional Planning Guidance on Planning and Noise (2017) (PDF, 1.7 MB)
EXAM 121 Acoustics Ventilation and Overheating Residential Design Guide (2020) (PDF, 5.1 MB)
EXAM 122- Air quality appraisal: damage cost guidance (HTML, 0.0 MB)
Exam 123 - Environmental permits: detailed information (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 124 - Nature Isn’t Neat (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 125- Mayor’s Energy Assessment Guidance 2022 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 126 - London Streets Toolkit
EXAM 127 R (Lee Valley Regional Park Authority) v Epping Forest DC [2016] (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 128- R (Samuel Smith Old Brewery) v North Yorkshire CC [2020] (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 129 Turner vs SS CLG & East Dorset Council 2016 (PDF, 0.2 MB)
EXAM 131 Harlow Local Development Plan 2020 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 132 - Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 133- Infrastructure Payments Policy (ODT, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 134- Exceptional Circumstances Relief (PDF, 0.1 MB)
EXAM 135 Pentavia Retail Park 20/5933/FUL (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 136 Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (HTML, 0.0 MB)
EXAM 145 – Ministerial Statement on Long Term Plan for Housing – December 2023
EXAM 146 - Planning Policy for Traveller Sites – December 2023
EXAM 147 – Housing Delivery Test – Measurement – December 2023