Authority Monitoring Report
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The Authority Monitoring Report sets out how Barnet's planning policies have been implemented over the previous financial year and how the council's planning documents are progressing.
Barnet has been producing Annual Monitoring Reports since 2004. The Localism Act 2011 has changed the requirements for monitoring, moving away from national core indicators. The focus is now on more local indicators that help to measure the implementation of planning policies and identify key planning issues which are more relevant to local people. This is the key difference between the Authority Monitoring Report and the Annual Monitoring Report.
Both are helpfully known as the AMR.
- The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) also sets out how planning documents such as the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies are performing. Through a framework of monitoring indicators we can measure in the AMR how Barnet is changing and how that change is managed. The AMR also covers progress with receipts generated by the Community Infrastructure Levy as well as activities arising from the Localism Act such as Neighbourhood Plans.
- Authorities Monitoring Report 2016/17
- Authorities Monitoring Report 2015/16
- Authorities Monitoring Report 2013/15
- Authorities Monitoring Report 2012/13
- Authorities Monitoring Report 2011/12
- Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11
- Annual Monitoring Report 2009/10
- Annual Monitoring Report 2008/09
- Annual Monitoring Report 2007/08
- Annual Monitoring Report 2006/07
- Annual Monitoring Report 2005/06
- Annual Monitoring Report 2004/05