

Barnet Council boosts website accessibility with ReciteMe's inclusive support tools

The website now includes a range of accessibility and language support tools aimed at helping residents who may have a disability, learning difficulty, visual impairment, or if they speak English as a second language.

Barnet Council confirms new system of governance at Annual General Meeting

Barnet councillors agreed to change the council’s constitution and formally move from a committee system of governance to a cabinet and scrutiny system at the Annual General Meeting last night, Tuesday 23 May.

The move is integral to the Council administration’s commitment to ensure decision-making is more transparent, efficient, and accountable. It is also part of a package of new constitutional measures to help increase public participation in local democracy.

Signage reveal signals Brent Cross West station is on its way

Yesterday (Tuesday 23 May) marked a new milestone in the construction of London’s newest mainline station, as the external signs were installed. 

Brent Cross West station sits on the Midland Main Line between Cricklewood and Hendon, and will connect passengers to central London in as little as 12 minutes. Thameslink services are expected to be operational from autumn this year.

Councillor Nagus Narenthira sworn in as 58th Mayor of Barnet

Councillor Nagus Narenthira has become the 58th Mayor of Barnet, after being officially sworn in during the Annual Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23 May at Hendon town Hall.

Councillor Narenthira takes over from the borough’s previous Mayor, Councillor Alison Moore.

Decision making in Barnet

The Council operates Leader and Cabinet 'executive arrangements'.  This means that the Cabinet (or Executive) is responsible for day-to-day decision making on most services such as education, highways, housing, leisure, libraries, parking, refuse collection, street cleansing and social services.

Get involved in local democracy

You can get involved in local life, have your say about local issues and become an active member of our community.

There are many ways you can get involved in local democracy.

Barnet Council announces move to new constitution and cabinet system

Barnet councillors agreed to change the council’s constitution and formally move from a committee system of governance to a cabinet and scrutiny system at an extraordinary council meeting last week.

The move is integral to the Council administration’s commitment to ensure decision-making is more transparent, efficient, and accountable. It is also part of a package of new constitutional measures to help increase public participation in local democracy.

BOOST helps 770 Barnet residents into work

Barnet Council backed employment service BOOST has helped 770 local residents find employment in 2022/23, according to the latest figures published.

Of the 770 people supported into jobs, 405 were helped through the JETS project*. 21% were tenants in Barnet Homes, with 1 person designated as ‘a rough sleeper’ placed into work.

Design team selected to lead park’s £18.8m transformation

Barnet Council is one step closer to beginning work on the £18.8million transformation of one of its largest parks after appointing a design team to lead the project.

Masterplan 2

Ove Arup & Partners Ltd was chosen to head up the regeneration of West Hendon Playing Field after winning a prestigious design contest by the London Borough of Barnet in partnership with the Landscape Institute.

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