
The Local Plan

The Local Plan is the development plan for the borough. It sets out how we will manage development and growth in Barnet. It has replaced the Unitary Development Plan except for the 13 policies for Brent Cross and Cricklewood (PDF, 97KB). It is a collection of documents that work alongside national policy and the Mayor's London Plan to inform planning decisions.

The Local Plan includes Development Plan Documents (DPDs) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).

We're currently reviewing and updating our planning policies in a document known as the Local Plan. This will replace the 2012 Local Plan and provide the main basis upon which future planning applications will be determined.

Find out more about the Local Plan review.

Development plan documents (DPDs)

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

These documents provide further detailed guidance on policy topics such as:


Town centre frameworks

Planning briefs

  • Planning briefs - Find our guidelines and requirements for the development of particular sites

Design guidance notes

Other local plan documents

  • The Authorities Monitoring Report – monitors the performance of the Local Plan and identifies trends affecting Barnet
  • LDF evidence and supporting documents - information gathered from many sources to help us identify the key issues and opportunities for the future of the borough and provide a strong basis for our planning strategy and policies. 

Proposals map

The proposals map that formed part of the adopted UDP (2006) remains as the Proposals Map for the Local Plan. This is subject to amendments through the Development Management Policies document.

This addresses:

  • town centres
  • safeguarded employment areas
  • areas of special archaeological significance

It also includes the area action plans for Colindale and Mill Hill East. Maps accompanying Local Plan documents are now known as the Policies Map.