Where you go to vote is likely to change in 2022
Barnet’s ward boundaries are changing for 2022, so our polling arrangements and where residents will go to vote also have to change in many parts of the borough.
Following the outcome of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) statutory review, the new electoral arrangements for Barnet Council will come into effect at the Local Government elections on 5 May 2022.
Barnet will continue to have 63 councillors but the number of wards is increasing from 21 to 24. There will be 15 three-councillor and 9 two-councillor wards.
These changes to the warding arrangements in Barnet mean that there must be a review of all the polling districts and polling places. So where residents currently go to vote is likely to change in 2022.
Click the link to take part in the consultation to have your say and help decide where you will go to cast your vote: Find a polling station | Barnet Council
The consultation is open until Friday 19 November 2021.