Do you have a spare room? Do you fancy getting paid to share your home and improve the quality of someone’s life? If the answer is “yes”, then you seriously need to consider applying to become a Shared Lives Carer!

shared lives carer
A Shared Lives Carer shares their home and family life with an adult who needs support to live everyday life - giving a helping hand to someone getting dressed, getting to doctors’ appointments, making friends, cooking together or even voting for their favourite singers on TV! People visiting or moving in with Shared Lives Carers may have been in foster care, have learning or physical disabilities, may be an older person with a frailty or dementia, or have mental ill health.
You could support someone for as little or as long as you like, whether it’s for a few hours, an overnight stay, months, or even years. This is a flexible role to suit your lifestyle and availability.
Formal qualifications or experience are not required – all you'll need is enthusiasm, motivation and commitment. In return you’ll get a generous pay with tax-free earnings starting from £400 per week.
Register your interest to or call 0208 3593576. To find out more visit our Shared Lives page.