Barnet Council has launched a new-look website, aimed at greatly improving customer experience for residents in Barnet.

laptop monitor saying lets get digital
The launch of the new website is a big part of the council’s plan to improve the quality of customer services we provide.
In a recent survey of 5,000 residents asking them how the council can improve its customer experience, most said they would prefer handling their council business online.
Chief Executive of Barnet Council, John Hooton, said: “Most of our services are still accessed by post, call centres or face-to-face meetings. This can take up a lot of time for the individual and costs the council a lot of money that could be spent on other frontline services. We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible to get what you need online, first time around. We’ve made it easier to navigate and search our website.”
“While most residents have online access, the council is however aware digital is not for all and it is important safeguards are in place to ensure nobody is left behind by the digital changes and the council supports those that need additional help. The council will continue to support residents who are digitally excluded and more information is provided for those that need support getting online. Of course, we’ll continue to assist our residents offline. But our aim in the long run is to make handling your council business through our website your first choice over picking up the phone.”
“Protecting residents’ data is a big priority for Barnet Council. By going via the My Account function, residents are able to control the data you shared with us. The council will only use the data to improve the services we provide to residents. View the privacy statement.
We want your feedback
Tell us what you think of the new website and report any problems by emailing address