Year 11 students in Barnet have collected their GCSE results today [20 August]. For the first time, grades have been allocated by students’ subject teachers following the cancellation of exams in early summer due to COVID-19.

A socially distanced celebration: Students from the Archer Academy in East Finchley celebrate their fantastic GCSE results
While national league tables have been suspended this year, it is expected that Barnet students will again perform strongly in their GCSEs. Last year, students in the borough ranked second in the country for Progress 8 scores, which gauge the progress made by each student during their time at secondary school, out of 151 local authorities. At the same time, the average Attainment 8 score, which is a way of measuring pupils across eight qualifications including Maths and English, saw Barnet ranked second highest nationally.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chair of Barnet Council’s Children Education and Safeguarding Committee, said: “Our students have always been high achievers and I’m sure this year will be no exception. Last year, Barnet students in Year 11 gained the second-best progress and attainment scores in the country. We are very proud of them.
“All our secondary schools are rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, so we are confident the grade assessments given to students will be fair and accurate.
“Recent months will no doubt have been quite unsettling for some students and it is important to highlight that there is support out there if needed. We have details on a range of help available, including free online counselling services, on our website. I would also like pass on my thanks to all the teaching and school staff for their hard work and dedication during what has been a very difficult time.”
Lucy Harrison, Headteacher of the Archer Academy in East Finchley, said: “I am simply so proud of what my students have achieved; all their hard work has truly paid off. Our young people, supported by their parents and their wonderful teachers, have secured such excellent results. This has been such a stressful and anxious time for our Year 11 cohort and they have faced unprecedented levels of uncertainty.
“The results the students have been awarded reflect their hard work and effort and I am so pleased that the national decision was taken, in time, to use the grades calculated by their expert teachers. The process led at school to generate Centre Assessment Grades was complex and thorough, the responsibility felt by every teacher was so great. Our students are so very dear to us and their commitment to their studies and school life so respected.
“I am so proud of each and every student, you deserve to be so proud of yourselves – you have overcome so much and now have so much to look forward to. Well done.”
Ivan Murenko joined North Finchley’s The Compton School in November 2018 and today collected his GCSE results. He said: “The build up to today was stressful, particularly for my English results as English is not my first language. However, I am so pleased with my results. I am most proud of my Science results – I was awarded Grade 9, 8. I have had an excellent experience at this school and I am looking forward to studying at the Sixth Form here in September. I am planning on studying four subjects at A Level: Maths, Physics, Computer Science and French.”
Support for students
The Barnet Council website has a range of information on the support available to young people including Kooth, a free, anonymous online counselling service for young people between ages 11 and 24. For more information visit:
There is also a wide range of resources for young people such as podcasts, videos and information on wellbeing workshops available on the Barnet Council website:
In addition, in order to minimise the impact of Covid-19 and the school closure period on the advice and support given to students during their transition to their next stage of learning or employment Barnet has produced a Year 11, 12 and 13 Transitions Strategy this year. This provides all students in these year groups with the support to make informed choices about their pathways next year.
The Barnet Education and Skills Post 16 Team are running events on the 20, 21 and 24 August to help students to find a place in education, employment and training. For more details contact