Today (29 March) marks the first day of the new step in easing the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions that have been in place for the past three months.

From 29 March, you can gather with either 2 households or up to 6 people outdoors, including in private gardens.
The Government’s ‘stay at home’ rule has been replaced with ‘stay local’, but many restrictions will still remain in place.
From today:
- you will be able to meet outdoors either in a group of six, or in a group of any size from up to two households (and their support bubbles), including in private gardens
- outdoor sports venues and facilities will be able to reopen and you will be able to take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people
- childcare and supervised activities will be allowed outdoors for all children
- formally organised parent and child groups will be able to take place outdoors for up to 15 attendees
Outdoor sports courts in Barnet such as tennis, basketball, and outdoor gyms will reopen from today (29 March). To find out more about this, visit Outdoor sport sessions and facilities | Barnet Council.
From 1 April, if you have been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable you will no longer be advised to shield. However, you should continue to take extra precautions to protect yourself. Speak to your GP if you have any concerns and remember Hands Face Space.
Please stay safe this Easter and continue to follow the national guidelines, including not mixing indoors with people outside your household or support bubble.
Remember the basics:
- Wash your hands regularly
- Wear your face covering
- Keep two metres apart from others
- Open windows for ventilation
To find out more about what changes on 29 March, visit National lockdown: Stay at Home - GOV.UK (