Barnet Community Fund
The Barnet Together partnership has awarded £300,000 of the Barnet Community Fund (BCF) to support the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector in Barnet.
The fund was shared between 40 Barnet VCFSE organisations and will be used towards the cost-of-living crisis and Covid-19 recovery.
Janet Matthewson, CEO of the Young Barnet Foundation, said: “The Barnet Community Fund is another great example of partnership working under the Barnet Together Alliance. The fund enabled us to offer grants to community groups so that they can provide vital support to our residents during these challenging times.”
An independent grants panel met in December 2022 to consider which organisations would be awarded the funding and how much money they would receive.
Organisations were funded for a variety of projects aimed at supporting the community across Barnet.
Rephael House which received £10,000 to help support those in Barnet with mental health issues, and The African Refugee Community which received £10,000 to provide support sessions for refugees.
To see a full list of successful applicants, visit: Barnet Community Fund Main Grant (youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk)
Notes to Editors
1) Barnet Together is a partnership established in 2018 between Young Barnet Foundation, Volunteering Barnet, and Inclusion Barnet.