We are currently experiencing problems with the streetlights in various locations across the borough.
It is affecting specific areas but there are also some individual streetlights that are not operating as they should.
Council officers have identified a variety of issues from lights not working at night, switching on later than they should and being on in the day, and 24/7.
This glitch is being given priority by the council’s street lighting service provider, who is working with the manufacturers of the control systems to identify the root cause of the issues and to identify the urgent actions that will be required to resolve these issues.
Report a street lighting fault or problem
Email: Barnet Lighting Services (BLS) - bls.uk@equans.com
Telephone: 0800 032 6788
Make a note of the:
- streetlight reference number (found about two metres above ground)
- exact location
- and provide as many details about the fault/problem as you can
Community safety
For all emergencies dial 999.
To report a crime that is not an emergency dial 101.
For information on community safety visit: Community safety | Barnet Council