The launch of the Age-Friendly Barnet call to action
A series of projects designed to make Barnet more age-friendly will get underway following the launch of a new call to action.
Age-Friendly Barnet focuses on seven key areas that can impact the way that people age - from ageism and intergenerational inclusion to transport, housing, employment and volunteering opportunities.
Launched on Wednesday (6 March) at the artsdepot in North Finchley in the presence of the mayor, councillors and other key players, the call to action forms part of the commitment by the council and Age UK to make Barnet an age-friendly borough.
It has been shaped by the views of more than 1,000 Barnet residents who completed a survey that helped identify some of the current barriers to ageing well within the borough, including a lack of accessible and enjoyable activities and low levels of confidence in finding employment and using digital technology.
Eight new projects will be launched to address these and other issues identified by the survey. Initiatives include setting up advice and information pop-ups around the borough so that older adults who are less aware of community events, information and services have a chance to find out useful information and advice.
The Age-Friendly Barnet Partnership – made up of key stakeholders including local organisations, council members and residents, and led by Age UK Barnet – will be responsible for delivering the projects over the next two years.
Ensuring that this scheme is led by the voices of older adults is a key priority.
Age UK Barnet CEO Helen Newman said:
“This is community-focused and community-organised; the call for action is a living document that the voices of residents can regularly feed into throughout the project.”
Age-friendly coordinator Pippa Mannerings said:
“The projects which this plan outlines were thought up in our Age-friendly Barnet focus groups last summer. We hope that our attention to the voices of older residents can make this a powerful movement across the borough and beyond.”
The plan also calls on external stakeholders, including Barnet Council, to take action on the issues it addresses.
Cllr Gill Sargeant, Barnet Council’s Age-friendly Champion, said:
“The asks of this project cannot be achieved by any one of us alone. We need every resident, every organisation and every stakeholder to work together to make sure that Barnet is a great place to grow older in.”
Notes to editors
The Age-Friendly Barnet call to action is available here.