Barnet businesses are being asked to download and display a unique QR code as part of the national roll out of the NHS Test and Trace app aimed at helping in the fight against coronavirus.

NHS Covid-19 App
The NHS COVID-19 app officially launched on Thursday 24 and includes tools to help protect people such as contract tracing, local area alerts and a QR code venue check-in function.
From 24 September a range of businesses including pubs, restaurants and hairdressers are legally required to have a QR code on display to allow customers using the smartphone app to easily ‘check-in’ at a venue.
This will allow app users to be alerted if they have recently visited somewhere they may have come into contact with someone who later tests positive for Covid-19.
Not everyone will have a smartphone or access to the app. Where this is the case businesses will still need to collect the name and contact details of customers/visitors such as with a handwritten register.
Residents are being encouraged to download the app which includes contact tracing using Bluetooth, risk alerts based on postcode district, and a symptom checker.
The app does not hold personal information such as name, address or date of birth, and only requires the first half of a postcode to provide risk alerts.
Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Dan Thomas, said: “The NHS COVID-19 App is an extremely important tool in the efforts to control the spread of coronavirus and ultimately to protect those we love.
“I would ask that businesses in hospitality, leisure or close contact services make sure they are aware of the new requirements and to download and display an official NHS QR code for customers to use. I would like thank businesses for all their efforts in recent weeks to make the return to our high streets as safe as possible.
“Equally I would also like to encourage residents to download the app. The more people who use the app the better it will work.
“Sadly, cases of Covid-19 are rising across the country so I urge people to please remember the simple steps we can all take to stop its spread. Wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering and keep space between yourself and others.”
Further information on which types of venues are required to display a QR code can be found on the NHS website.
To create an official QR code visit