We’re supporting National Bereaved Parents Day on Friday 3rd July, hosted by A Child of Mine charity, with the aim of raising awareness of all parents who have lost a child of any age, under any circumstance.

We’re asking you to light a candle on Friday 3rd July at 7pm to remember all of the children who have lost their lives too soon.
You can also write a message to the bereaved parent community on a message board which you can download here or write your message on a piece of paper, take a photo of you holding up your message and post it online using the hashtags #NationalBereavedParentsDay #ThinkingOfYou #AChildOfMine. Then, nominate someone to do the same!
Finally, donate £5, which would cover the cost of a coffee during a vital 121 support session for a bereaved parent, for when A Child Of Mine charity can get back to face-to-face support.
We hope you’ll help us to spread the message and show the bereaved parent community that they are NOT alone.
If you're a bereaved parent you can call our Bereavement Support and Counselling helpline on 020 8016 0016. Open 10am-12pm, Monday to Friday.