Firstly, I want to thank you all for staying at home over the Easter weekend. I know it wouldn’t have been easy, and I hope you found new ways to connect with friends and family. By following the government advice, you really are making a difference, protecting the NHS and saving lives.

Message from the Leader: COVID-19 update
Over the weekend, work has continued at the Essential Supplies Hub. By Monday evening 471 packages had been sent out to residents with a further 135 parcels going to Homeless Action Barnet, 354 meals to Barnet Hospital and 42 meals to North Middlesex University Hospital. 21 large food bank deliveries were also made. Volunteers continue to sign up to support Barnet communities via the Community Help Hub which is providing urgent help to our most vulnerable residents.
As the situation with COVID-19 continues there is an urgent need to recruit more people into the care sector. Proud to Care London is a recruitment site for the care sector that will link people into crucial jobs, to help London tackle Covid-19. If you think you can help please visit Proud to Care London to find out more.
As well as responding to the challenges of providing urgent support in the community, teams across the council are doing everything they can to keep frontline services going. I am pleased to say that we are now able to resume weekly blue bin collections which were temporarily moved to a fortnightly collection last month. Thank you to the frontline and operational staff in restoring the services as quickly as possible. Find out more about bin collection days here.
I am also pleased to say that more than £19million of financial support has already gone to local businesses. Small businesses provide a livelihood to many people in Barnet and are an integral part of the borough. If you, or someone you know, runs a small business in Barnet please visit our website to find out about the financial support available.
As always, we will keep updating our website with advice and information on how we’re tackling COVID-19 in Barnet.
Cllr Dan Thomas, Leader of Barnet Council