Today (Wednesday 13 May), the government has introduced small changes to the lockdown rules that will make a difference for the thousands of Barnet residents who enjoy our many public spaces and parks.

Message from the Leader
While we must remain alert to the threat of the virus, we can do more outdoors than previous restrictions allowed.
We can now spend time in our parks for reasons other than just exercise – we can sit and read, picnic and sunbathe. Most of our parks’ car parks will reopen. We can meet with one person from another household – so long as we observe social distancing rules. We can use some sports facilities in our parks, such as basketball and tennis courts. However, facilities like playparks and outdoor gyms will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
The government is also starting to implement its plan for returning more people back to work. The message is simple – work from home if you can, and if you can’t then avoid using public transport if possible. We are looking at options for increasing capacity in our cycle and pedestrian paths. Doing so will be extremely complex and changes cannot be made overnight. However, we are addressing this as a matter of urgency to help as many people as possible get back to work as quickly as possible. We will keep you updated.
Above all, please continue to play your part and stick to the rules. Together, we will get through this.