Students across Barnet have been receiving their A-level and BTEC results today but with grades determined differently because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This year students have been awarded grades by teachers and have only be assessed on what they have been taught, not what they may have missed.
Teachers have based their judgements on students’ performance on a range of evidence, which could include mock exams, non-exam assessment (coursework) in some subjects, as well as other assessments done in class.
Teachers have used an evidence-based approach, so that students, their parents and carers, and all those who use the grades awarded this summer can see how their final grade has been arrived at and know that they have been determined objectively.
Schools and colleges have been asked to judge the standard of students’ work against the standard set in previous years. They will be judging students only on content that they have been taught, to address the disruption that schools and colleges have experienced.
Due to this marking process, these grades will again not be used to obtain a school average as was the case prior to 2020 and we will only receive Barnet averages early next year which will enable us to compare results in Barnet with the national averages. Over the last few years Barnet A-Level results have consistently been in the top five per cent nationally.
Councillor David Longstaff, Chairman of the Children, Education & Safeguarding Committee, said: “We want to also say congratulations and well done to all students receiving their A-level and BTEC results today. In spite of the challenges, we are confident that our students have come through this year with the qualifications, life skills and practical experience to prepare them for their next stage of education and the jobs and industries of the future.”
The Barnet Council website has a range of information on the support available to young people including Kooth, a free, anonymous and 24/7 online counselling service for young people between the ages of 11 and 24. For more information visit:
The Barnet Education Careers Service will be available to support Barnet’s students between August 10 and August 18 during A Level and GSCE results via a ‘Duty Line’.
The duty line number is: 020 8359 2011.