A major boost to work and training opportunities, including for those impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, has been agreed by Barnet Council.

Barnet news
To meet the challenges now faced, the council’s Housing and Growth Committee approved the Work, Skills and Productivity Action Plan 2021-2025 when it met on 14 June. The plan will play a key part in the borough’s recovery effort and build on the significant work already underway around skills and employment.
As seen across the rest of the country, the unemployment rate has risen in Barnet, with 7.5 per cent of working age adults claiming some sort of unemployment benefit.
The plan aims to minimise the long-term impacts of the pandemic by helping residents succeed in sustainable jobs.
There will be a renewed focus on making sure young people have the best possible foundation through learning.
This will include efforts to develop routes into jobs for NEETs (people Not in Education, Employment or Training). Opportunities for apprenticeships and internships will be maximised, and capacity for work targeted at disengaged young people increased.
Learning and work opportunities will take account of the highest growth sectors such as health and care, construction trades and creative industries, and economic productivity will be improved by working to close the skills gap, including for those furthest from the labour market.
Other steps include the former Grahame Park Library building in Colindale being fitted out to provide a Covid-safe space for group training and one-to-one support.
Councillor Richard Cornelius, Chairman of the Housing and Growth Committee, said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges here and across the country. As we emerge from the pandemic it is important that we take positive action to help smooth the road to recovery.
"This plan will play an important role in delivering that action and with it, tangible benefits and practical support which make a real difference to our residents and businesses over the coming years.”
The full plan can be viewed via the committee papers online.