Barnet Council has pledged over £12,500 to six local crowdfunding projects and launched a new funding round.

Crowdfund Barnet is back
The six ambitious projects range from renovating the outdoor space at a community centre, to holding a medieval festival to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the Battle of Barnet, and creating a wildlife wonderland.
The project creators have been drumming up support from their communities and the council has responded by pledging over £12,500 to boost the projects towards their crowdfunding targets.
The projects are all part of Crowdfund Barnet, a programme run in partnership between Barnet Council and the crowdfunding platform, Spacehive. As part of this initiative, local residents and groups with an idea to improve their community have the opportunity to gain funding via Spacehive’s crowdfunding platform. Barnet Council has committed a total of £40,000 to the programme, with pledges up to £5,000 available per project.
The Worshipful Mayor of Barnet, Cllr Alison Cornelius, said: "The last year has been very challenging for our communities, which is why it is all the more inspirational to see this fantastic range of projects come through as part of Crowdfund Barnet. We can't wait to see what the next round of projects will bring.
"I’m also calling on everyone who cares about Barnet to join us in offering support to project ideas so we can turbocharge the success of locally-led campaigns. The more people and organisations that get involved, the more inspiring local places we can create together. It is community-focused initiatives like this that help make Barnet such a great place to live."
"Local crowdfund project creator and President of Herts Baseball Club, Aspi Dimitrov, said: "The pledge from Barnet Council has given a major boost to our project which aims to bring baseball to the heart of the community and make Basing Hill Park even better for everyone. We still have a lot of work to do to reach our crowdfunding target but the endorsement from Barnet Council has given us the belief that the target is achievable and that other potential supporters may now decide to join Barnet in backing the project."
The projects must hit their targets to bring their idea to life. Anybody can get behind the projects, with pledges starting at £2. If you want to support the projects alongside the council, visit:
The next deadline for Crowdfund Barnet is Wednesday 15 September with a workshop taking place on Tuesday 13 July, especially for people in Barnet with ideas to help their area. To register for your free spot visit
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- To find out more about Crowdfund Barnet, visit
- Spacehive is a funding platform for ideas that bring local civic and community spaces to life. Its vision is a world where anyone can shape their local area to create places that make people happy, proud and prosperous. For more info visit
- The platform pools together funds between councils, businesses, foundations and the local community to pay for projects that improve local places, which typically results in projects securing three times more funding than if they were relying on council funds alone. Projects can range from building a new community centre or improving the local park to improving a playground or putting on a street festival.
- Crowdfund Barnet supports Barnet Council’s vision of creating a borough that is a great place to learn, live, work and visit, and that offers opportunities for all residents to live healthy and fulfilling lives in safe and thriving communities.
- Companies, foundations and public bodies interested in supporting projects alongside Barnet Council should contact