Hendon Town Hall
Barnet Council services including Planning, Highways and Environmental Health returned to in-house control on Saturday 1 April, following the end of the 10-year joint venture ‘Re’ with outsourcing company Capita. The move sees around 300 Re staff transfer to direct employment with the council.
The closure of the Re partnership marks the first phase of Barnet Council’s plan to return outsourced services from the private sector. The council has held outsourcing contracts with Capita since 2013, covering a number of front and back-office services.
The Leader of the Council, Cllr Barry Rawlings, said: “We are committed to providing the very best services for our residents, that offer value for money and are accountable to Council Tax payers. We thank our partners in Re and Capita and welcome the transfer of staff to the council’s in-house team.”
While some council services are still being delivered by Capita, Estates, Building Services, Facilities and Print are set to return to council control by September 2023, with systems used to deliver HR and Finance ending in 2024. IT, customer services and revenues and benefits will remain with Capita for the time being due to the complexities and scale involved.