Local committees have been given greater powers on how to spend up to £1.2million of infrastructure funding each year on kickstarting improvement projects in their area.

Hendon Town Hall
The council’s Policy and Resources Committee last night (24 May) approved a series of recommendations to revamp the system for Area Committees spending Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money. CIL funding is generated by development in the borough for use on local infrastructure improvements ranging from new play equipment and parks projects, to traffic calming schemes.
The changes now mean that each of the borough’s three Area Committees has the power to decide how a possible £400,000 funding pot is allocated locally each year, with greater engagement from the community.
In addition, the cap on how much each project can receive, previously set at £30,000, has been removed so there is now no limit on the level of funding that can be allocated to an individual project within the committee’s total budget for that year.
A separate borough-wide fund, of up to £300,000 each year, will also be available specifically for road safety and parking schemes.
Council Leader, Councillor Dan Thomas, said: “When I became leader of the council, I made clear my desire for all residents to benefit from the proceeds of growth. These changes will ensure that more infrastructure funding is spent on local projects and decisions are taken closer to communities.
“I’m very pleased that the area committees have greater freedom to decide funding for much larger projects, and a larger number of projects, with the potential to unlock community benefits.”
For more information your view the committee report online.