As part of the huge effort underway to support some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents, Barnet Council is seeking to recruit care workers across the borough.

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Proud to Care London, a partnership between councils across the capital, is highlighting positions available now that will ultimately help the NHS save lives by providing essential care for vulnerable and elderly residents in the community, particularly those recovering from coronavirus.
Barnet’s Adult Social Care team, working in collaboration with Your Choice Barnet and other care organisations, is looking to recruit people to a variety of roles in care homes, and to provide support within residents’ own homes, including care workers, care managers, social workers, occupational therapists, chefs and cleaners.
Those interested can complete a short application online at, with suitable candidates matched to jobs locally and provided with the necessary training.
Council Leader, Councillor Daniel Thomas, said: “Care workers are absolutely crucial in looking after some of our most vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic, keeping them safe, as well as helping to protect the NHS and ultimately save lives.
“In Barnet we have seen a phenomenal desire among our residents to help out in whatever way they can, and I am sure there are many people out there who will take up the opportunity to apply for one of these positions.
“There is a need for care workers across London and I would like to encourage as many people as possible to visit the Proud to Care website and consider whether there is a role they think they could do.”
Proud to Care London is a recruitment site for the care sector that will link people into crucial jobs in care.
Anybody interested in working in a role in care, such as supporting people in their own home, in a care home or other residential setting, can complete a short application at or online here.