The strategic vision for how Barnet Council will approach its challenges and opportunities over the next five years was formally approved at Full Council last night (Tuesday, 5 March).

Corporate Plan - Barnet 2024
The Corporate Plan – Barnet 2024 is focused on three main outcomes: A pleasant well-maintained borough that we protect and invest in; our residents live happy healthy independent lives with the most vulnerable protected. The final outcome is safe and strong communities where people get along.
The Corporate Plan – Barnet 24 also outlines our approach for how we intend to achieve these outcomes and our ambitions for Barnet. This will be done by ensuring residents get a fair deal, we are maximising on opportunities, sharing responsibilities with the community and partners, and working effectively and efficiently.
As part of this approach, this will mean delivering services that matter most by making decisions to prioritise our limited resources; managing our finances and contracts robustly; taking a commercial approach to generating income and working with residents and the community to share responsibility to ensure Barnet thrives.
The Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Richard Cornelius, said: “Barnet is a borough that everyone should be proud of. It has excellent schools, vibrant town centres, vast green spaces and diverse communities. The Corporate Plan sets out how the council will intend to continue that journey over the next five years.
“Like all councils, we’re faced with a difficult financial challenge. More and more people are needing our services, there’s less money to spend, and increasing uncertainty about how we will be funded in the future. This means that we’ve had to make some tough decisions around where we prioritise and spend our limited resources.
“Despite these challenges, I am ambitious for Barnet, and the people that live and work here. Our plan sets out three main outcomes; and how we propose to deliver in priority areas to achieve these.”

Corporate Plan priorities