We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Barnet Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2025. This strategy is our vision as a borough on how we can improve health and wellbeing for all that live, work and study in Barnet. A key part of this work is the partnership working between the local authority, North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group and other partners involved in health and care.

barnet joint health and wellbeing strategy
Councillor Caroline Stock, Chair of the Barnet Health and Wellbeing Board said “I am delighted to launch the new Barnet Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy that sets out a vision for creating a borough of health, working together with our residents and other partners. Having the right strategy that articulates commitments and vision is the first step, and importantly what will count next is how we deliver our ambitions together. It is important now more than ever before that we join forces across the health and care system to take all the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and build upon and capture the excellent work taking place locally. If we are to improve health outcomes, all sectors, organisations, and communities have a role to play to really make a difference for the health and wellbeing in Barnet.”
The new strategy is based around three key areas of focus which were developed through public consultation, engagement with partners and the needs identified in the Barnet Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. These key areas of focus are:
- Creating a healthier place and resilient communities
- Starting, living and ageing well
- Ensuring delivery of coordinated holistic care, when we need it
Work has already begun to deliver the commitments defined in this new strategy. This includes comprehensive work on promoting Healthy Eating across all ages, a multidisciplinary approach to suicide prevention and the Integrated Care Partnership prevention workstream.
You can view the full strategy document here.