
Barnet Council saves £1.2 million through Damage to Highways scheme


A damaged pavement in Barnet

A damaged pavement in Barnet

Barnet Council’s Damage to Highways scheme has saved the council over £1million since its launch in 2020, allowing the council to recoup the cost of repairing damage to pavements caused by building works.

Originally launched as a pilot scheme in four wards back in September 2020, the Damage to Highways scheme was expanded to cover the entire borough in July 2023.

The council monitors pavements outside properties where works are taking place to ensure it can recover the cost of any damaged to footways caused by the development.

The cost of repair works is then sent to the legal owners of the property where the building works were taking place along with a letter explaining the charge.

Cllr Alan Schneiderman, Barnet Cabinet Member for the Environment and Climate Change, said: “We need to ensure those who cause damage to our highway network are held accountable and that costly repairs are passed on to them.

“We have a duty to maintain the safety of roads and pavements throughout Barnet. Were we not to recoup the cost of repairing damage to pavements by building works, these repairs would have to be funded by the council.

“We care for our places, which is why we are currently investing £97million, in improving roads and pavements across Barnet. The Damage to Highways scheme ensures that we maximise this investment.”

Read here for guidance on what to do before starting any building works. You can also report any damage you notice to pavements or highways at our dedicated reporting portal: