Barnet Council has launched its ‘Pick it, bag it, bin it, Barnet’ anti-littering campaign with more than 150 volunteer litter-picking groups already recruited to head out to make the borough’s parks and open spaces tidy, family-friendly places.

Pick it, bag it, bin it, Barnet
The campaign will target more than 20 locations that have been identified as littering hotspots. The rubbish-collecting mission – which will include both council staff and good-natured volunteers – is part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean, running from 28 May to 13 June. The drive coincides with the council’s recent investment in more frontline staff, waste collection services and extra bins to keep Barnet’s much-loved parks and town centres clean and litter-free.
Council staff will also take part in the litter-picking efforts, dedicating three days of full-time work – between various different departments – to collecting trash. The litter-picking locations will include the Dollis Valley Greenwalk, Silk Stream Brook as it passes through Montrose Playing Fields and Silkstream Park, and Welsh Harp – alongside the support of partner agencies.
Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Dan Thomas, said: “We love Barnet, and we hope you do too. Our litter-pickers and street-sweepers are constantly out there, doing their bit to keep our borough clean and tidy. Unfortunately, they can’t be everywhere all at once, and sometimes there are certain areas that need that extra bit of TLC to get them looking spick and span. Please do help us fulfil our vision of creating a borough that’s as free as rubbish as humanly possible!”
The activities will form part of Volunteers Week, which runs from 1-7 June. During this time, the council will publicly celebrate the many great individuals and groups that give up their time to improve Barnet’s green spaces and other public services.
Free high-vis vests, bin bags, bin bag hoops, litter pickers, gloves, and more, are available to anyone who wants to take part. Delivery of these items will be provided free of charge. The council would like participants to notify of the details of their litter pick. This includes where they will leave the bin bags of rubbish they collect, and at what time – so prompt collection can be arranged.
It’s not too late to sign up – as an individual or a group – if you’d like to do your bit to help make Barnet a better place to live in. There are many volunteering groups who’d welcome new participants. Please email if you’d like to get involved.