Barnet care leaver Jennifer Mohammadi, 24 is taking part in the iconic 55 mile London to Brighton bike ride to raise funds on Sunday 19th September in aid of Live Unlimited, a small charity supporting Barnet’s 331 children in care and 357 care leavers.

Barnet care leaver Jennifer Mohammadi, 24, is helping Live Unlimited
Children who have been in care are often very vulnerable, with many experiencing problems such as homelessness, addiction, criminality and teenage pregnancy. The pandemic has exacerbated things further, with many care experienced young people suffering from depression, anxiety, social isolation and reduced job prospects.
Live Unlimited’s work is above and beyond the support provided by the council and its schemes help to reduce social isolation, improve mental health and wellbeing, teach new skills, boost employability and confidence and find sustainable and fulfilling jobs.
Jennifer knows first-hand about the support care experienced young people need. She entered the care system aged 14 and lived with eight different foster carers before moving into her own flat.
Despite her difficult start, Jennifer completed a degree in BSc (Hons) Cognitive & Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Westminster last summer and is now studying for an MSc Global Master of Public Health at Imperial College London. Jennifer joined Live Unlimited’s board of trustees this summer and has been crucial in helping shape its schemes for care experienced young people.
She says: “I’m excited to be taking part in the event, but also nervous. I haven’t ridden a bike for years and had to hire one for the event. I’ll be pushing myself, but as a diabetic I need to keep an eye on my condition. Understanding the significant work Live Unlimited wants to do has motivated me to give the challenge a good go.”
To make a donation to Jennifer’s fundraising page please visit: