
Freedom of Information Request

Artworks & Decolonisation

Received: 3 March 2025

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to request information regarding the removal of statues, artworks, or monuments under the control of your council on the grounds of decolonisation. Specifically, I request the following:*Details of any statues, artworks, or monuments that have been removed, relocated or altered on the grounds of decolonisation since 2021. *The name or description of the statue, artwork, or monument. *The reason cited for its removal, relocation, or alteration (if applicable). *The date the removal, relocation, or alteration occurred. *The current location or status of the removed, relocated, or altered item (i.e. in storage, displayed elsewhere, etc). *The total cost incurred by the Council for the removal, relocation, or alteration of each statue, artwork, or monument. *Please specify a breakdown of costs where possible, including costs for labour, materials, legal advice, public consultation, transportation, and storage. *Please provide this information in a table format, if possible, with columns for 'Name of Statue/Artwork/Monument', 'Reason for Removal/Relocation/Alteration', 'Date of Removal/Relocation/Alteration', 'Current Location/Status', and 'Total Cost'.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download