
Freedom of Information Request

Fines against Utility Companies

Received: 7 February 2025

Under the provisions of S.74 of the New Roads and Street Works Act a local authority is allowed to fine utility companies for their occupation of the highway where works are unreasonably prolonged.1. How much did you levy in fines against companies for such misdemeanours in (i) 2022/23 and (ii) 2023/24?2. In this two-year period please answer the following questions in relation to the biggest fine you imposed on a utility firm under S.74.(i) How big was the fine?(ii) Who was it brought against? Please provide the name and address of the firm?(iii) Please provide the name of the site and the name of the highway in your authority that the penalty relates to? (So this should be the name of the road and then a more specific area in that road if it is very long).(iv) What date were the works planned to start and finish?(v) How many days did the works overrun?(vi) Is any amount of the fine still outstanding and if so, how much?As per Q1, it is the two financial years(i) 2022/23 and (ii) 2023/24.All other councils have now replied so if I could please ask for your quick response I would be very grateful.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (cost exceeds limit) - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download