
Freedom of Information Request

Re consultation RSE045

Received: 27 January 2025

re consultation RSE045Following my response to the above consultation in my email dated 8 January 2025, my subsequent emails of 9 January and 13 January, and your reply of 13 January, in the interests of transparent and open government, I request that LBB share with me the following evidence on which it is basing its assertions that "Road safety analysis requires a comprehensive review that incorporates additional critical parameters such as traffic flows, volumes, vehicular speeds, and other risk factors, which are not captured by collision data alone. These elements play a significant role in assessing the overall safety and usability of a road network". I propose to also ask for this information through a freedom of information request to LBB. I am asking for this information on behalf of a number of my neighbours. The evidence requested includes but is not limited to:1. the data LBB is using to determine How many speeding related accidents/incidents have there been in the county roads over the past year/past two years, providing links to the actual data itself. In your email of 13 January, you assert that Collision data for the area is publicly available through the STATS19 database. Please provide a link to the exact data or a pdf of the data itself. 2. Your email of 13 January states "Based on the data collected, approximately 15 collisions have been recorded within the county roads over the past five years. When including junctions with the High Road, the total rises to over 50 incidents during the same period. This highlights the need for intervention. While your observations regarding pedestrian behaviour are noted, the analysis also considers contributing factors such as dangerous parking, reduced visibility, speeding, rat running, and reckless driving; these elements collectively underline the necessity of measures to improve road safety for all users." Please provide data for evidence being relied on by LBB of dangerous parking, reduced visibility, speeding, rat running, and reckless driving;3. Your email of 13 January states "We acknowledge your suggestion to implement speed cameras as an alternative to speed cushions. However, the installation of speed cameras entails significantly higher costs compared to vertical calming measures. Given the financial constraints faced by the council, we aim to prioritise solutions that are both effective and cost-efficient. Studies have consistently shown that vertical traffic calming measures, such as speed cushions, are highly effective at reducing vehicle speeds, particularly in areas with high volumes of cut-through traffic (rat-running). A 20mph speed limit without accompanying physical measures is unlikely to achieve the desired level of compliance."Please supply the evidence by which LBB has examined a cost benefit analysis of the cost of implementing speed cameras on the county roads versus cost of implementing speed bumps on county roads. Including cost of installing x number of cameras, cost of maintaining, anticipated levels of income resulting, versus cost of installing x number speed bumps, consequent costs of pollution and noise, taking particular account of the Public Sector Equality Duty and impact of speed bumps on residents' quiet enjoyment of property, noise, pollution, impact of residents with disabilities/mobility issues, reduction of number of parking spaces. 3. Your email of 13 January states "We understand your concerns about potential noise, pollution, parking interference, and access for emergency vehicles. These factors will be carefully considered during the final design stage. However, evidence indicates that speed cushions, when properly installed, can successfully moderate traffic speeds with minimal disruption. We are co

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045 - ANPR 3 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045 - ANPR data 1 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045 - speed data 2 - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045  COD  Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045  Collision Report Ref 13872028_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • RSE045  Ref Feasibility Report_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • Speed data RSE045 - application/pdf - Download