Service Provider
Received: 28 January 2025
Please take this email as a written request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to provide the following information:1.How many temporary staff/contractors were employed by the Council's Planning Department during the last two years (January 2023 until January 2025). This includes planning and enforcement staff at all grades (i.e validation, trainee, planner, senior planner, principal planner, team leader and DM/Service managers). Please also specify the number of contractors to each level2.How much money was spent by the Council on temporary staff/contractors within the planning department during the last two years (January 2023 until January 2025)? 3.Do you have a managed service provider for the provision of temporary agency staff? If so, please provide the name and the date the contract ends4.If you don't have a managed service provider in place for the provision of temporary recruitment agency staff, which recruitment agencies do you use and on what basis were they awarded?
Outcome / Documents
- Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download