
Freedom of Information Request

Dollis valley regeneration - large panel system demolition

Received: 30 December 2024

Dear Barnet borough council, Large Panel System buildings present specific challenges when it comes to demolition risks (pancake collapse, asbestos etc) and require specialist expertise. Under the freedom of information act 2000 and environmental information regulations 2004, could you please provide the following:Demolition contractor(s) names for this project (both for phases already completed and future phases of the project)Were the contractors selected specialised in LPS buildings demolition and will it be the case for the remaining phases (please provide evidences)Demolition of the LPS buildings procedure and techniques (including health and safety) followed for the Dollis regeneration (provide all relevant information) Were the buildings subject to an asbestos demolition surveys? I yes, please provide copies. Which contractors were appointed for asbestos removal (for the completed phases) When will the asbestos removal take place for the remaining phases and which contractors will be appointed for this task.

Outcome / Documents

  • 13653296 Asbestos Report_Redacted   - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download