School Streets
Received: 8 January 2025
In order to accurately assess London's progress, we are reaching out to each local authority to collect and verify data for the following indicators related to passenger transport:*% - Share of schools with school streets:oTotal number of primary schools in the boroughoFull address (including post code) of all primary schoolsoNumber of primary schools with school streetsoA breakdown by school street type (permanent pedestrianisation, temporary closure or advanced traffic calming)*% - Share of the road network with a speed limit of 30km/h or less in the borough:oLength of road network (in km) with maximum speed limit of 30km/h or less (including pedestrian streets and other streets restricted for motorised vehicles)oTotal length of road network (in km)*Ratio length of cycling infrastructure vs length of total road network:oTotal length of road network (in km)oTotal length of physically segregated cycling infrastructure (in km)*% Share of walking in the boroughs modal split:oLatest modal share of walking - share of trips covered by footoYear of the modal split surveyCLARIFICATION FROM THE REQUESTER:-Thank you for the response and apologies for the confusion. We meant to translate this to be 20mph (not 30 km/h).Please can you continue with the request, using 20mph speed limit