
Freedom of Information Request

Updated quarterly performance data from your plan's alternative asset holdings for 2Q24 & 3Q2

Received: 18 November 2024

On behalf of , under Freedom of Information Act, I request a copy of the quarterly public records from 2Q24 & 3Q24 for the following information, preferably in Excel or PDF format.1.Names and vintage years of all private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt and infrastructure partnerships in The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund's portfolio.2.Commitments made to each partnership.3.Contributions drawn down since inception.4.Distributions made to The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund to date by each individual partnership.5.Net Asset Value of each partnership.6.Internal rates of return (IRRs) for each partnership with and without the use of credit facility. Please note if the IRRs are not net.7.Investment multiple (TV/PI) for each individual partnership.8.The dollar amount of 'total management fees and costs paid' for each individual partnership.9.Date as of which all the above data was calculated.10.Names of all alternative asset partnerships partially and fully sold by The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund, including date of sale.11.For each fund, please indicate whether or not the fund uses Subscription Credit Facilities.I also request a copy of any disclosable documents which contain some or all of the following information:12.Names of all hedge fund holdings (including hedge fund of funds) in The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund's portfolio.13.Month by Month Market Value for each hedge fund holding (including hedge fund of funds) since The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund's initial investment up to 2Q24 & 3Q24.14.Month by Month Contributions to each hedge fund holding (including hedge fund of funds) since The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund's initial investment up to 2Q24 & 3Q24.15.Month by Month Returns (net of fees) earned by The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund for each hedge fund holding (including hedge fund of funds) since initial investment up to 2Q24 & 3Q24.If there are any fees for searching for, reviewing, or copying the records, please inform me before you task the request. If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download