
Freedom of Information Request

Rough sleepers

Received: 2 September 2024

Please can you provide the following: ***Monthly*new* rough sleeper figures from June last year until July this year.*I would define new rough sleepers as people who are identified by the council's homelessness team as rough sleeping for the first time. Further, can the council confirm if it also records the reasons given by those rough sleepers for rough sleeping - E.g. eviction, release from prison.If the reasons for rough sleeping are recorded, can the council confirm if any of its rough sleepers have specified they are rough sleeping due to early release from prison.If so can the following information be provided: ***The number of rough sleepers for the above period (June 2023-2024) broken down by month* and by reason for rough sleeping. *If, for example, rough sleepers only started to state the reason for their homelessness was early release from prison and/or if the council only started to track this data from a particular point during the period I have requested, please can you provide the figures from that date.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download