
Freedom of Information Request

FOI on EHCP and Published Admissions Numbers

Received: 15 August 2024

1. How many times in the past three years has Barnet Council ('Barnet') named a school in section I of an EHC plan where the school responded negatively to consultation on the grounds that it had insufficient space? 2. How many schools in Barnet have gone over their published admission number in the last three years? Please break the answer down, so far as possible, into: (a) state-maintained mainstream schools (this includes all types of schools which receive the majority of funding from the state, such as academies and free schools), (b) state-maintained special schools (the same definition of 'state maintained' applies as in (a)), (c) independent schools which fall under section 41, (d) independent schools which are categorised as non-maintained special schools (NMSS), (e) other independent schools. 3. Does Barnet have a policy or standard practice for adjudging whether or not a school can physically be expected to go over its published admission number? If it has a specifically written policy, please provide it, alternatively if it has a standard practice but this is not written in a formal way, please summarise the practice. 4. Please confirm how many times in the past 5 years Barnet has named a section 41 independent school or a non-maintained special school (NMSS) in section I of an EHC plan, knowing that the school was over its published admission number or the naming of that school in the plan in question would take the school over its published admission number. 5. If, during consultations in relation to the prospective naming of a school in section I of an EHC plan that is currently in draft form, Barnet receives a consultation response from a consultant school that the school cannot offer a place, what are the steps that Barnet will take to decide whether or not it will accept the refusal of that school to offer a place, and therefore not name the school in section I of the EHC plan in question?6. In the past 10 years (if this range of years creates significant difficulty in responding to this question, reduce the number of years to a number which does not create that level of difficulty) how many times has Barnet issued an EHC plan naming TreeHouse School, Finchley, in section I of the plan when, during the consultation stage, that school declined to offer a place based on: i. A lack of availability of space. ii. Unsuitability, or that placing the child in the school would be incompatible with the efficient education of pupils at the school.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some not held) - application/pdf - Download