
Freedom of Information Request

traffic numbers and traffic flow

Received: 6 August 2024

1.Data or information on vehicle traffic numbers and traffic flow recorded at any time in the last five years in Garratt Road, Heming Road, Fairfield Avenue and Fairfield Crescent (all are HA8 9 postcodes), including dates and times when the information was recorded.2.Analysis of the data from item one above.3.Analysis of the impact on vehicle traffic numbers, traffic flow and congestion from the data at item one, if the proposed school street scheme for Edgware Primary School ( Your ref: HAS002-11), is implemented.4.Data or information on parking in Garratt Road, Heming Road, Fairfield Avenue and Fairfield Crescent (all are HA8 9 postcodes) before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.5.Data or information on all vehicle collisions during the last five years in Garratt Road, Heming Road, Fairfield Avenue and Fairfield Crescent (all are HA8 9 postcodes) before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.6.Data or information on all vehicle collisions during the last five years in the proposed School Street as defined in HAS002-11, before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.7.Data or information on any collisions or accidents in the last five years between vehicles and pedestrians in Garratt Road, Heming Road, Fairfield Avenue and Fairfield Crescent (all are HA8 9 postcodes) before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.8.Data or information on any collisions or accidents in the last five years between vehicles and pedestrians in the proposed School Street as defined in HAS002-11before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.9.Data or information of congestion caused by vehicle traffic at the entrances and exits of Edgware Primary School, during the last five years.10.Data or information of congestion caused by pedestrians at the entrances and exits of Edgware Primary School, during the last five years.11.Data or information on the number of vehicles entering or leaving Edgware Primary School at the Fairfield Crescent entrance, before, during and after school pick up and drop off times.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (cost exceeds limit) - application/pdf - Download