
Freedom of Information Request

FOI - Council funded school transportation by taxi

Received: 2 August 2024

1.Total number of children whom the council funded school transportation taxi services - breakdown by both SEN and non-SEN taxi transport for each period2.Total spend on taxi services for child transportation - breakdown by both SEN and non-SEN taxi transport for each period3.Names of all taxi supplier(s) used to provide this service and volume of work provided to each - breakdown by both SEN and non-SEN taxi transport for each period4.Since when have you used with these suppliers for this purpose?5.If you have contracts in place with these suppliers when do they expire?6.If you publish the terms of these contracts, please share a website link7.In addition to the transportation of children to and from school what are they key requirements you have of these suppliers (e.g. safeguarding, reporting, integration with systems etc.) - if you used a tendering document, please share

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt and exceeds appropriate limit) - application/pdf - Download