
Freedom of Information Request

Freedom of Information Request - PROW

Received: 29 July 2024

*How many miles/km of public rights of way do you cover? *What is your annual budget for public rights of way maintenance? *Please provide a breakdown of issues reported e.g. Way finding, Obstructions, Path Condition, Safety, Stiles/Fences, Other*What percentage of reported issues are remedied within 6 weeks of receiving the report?*What percentage of reported issues go unresolved/unattended in a 12month period? *What is the average cost per resolution of reported issue? If no average available, please provide low/high range.*Where you have a vegetation clearance programme in place, what is the criteria for selection of footpaths to be cleared in any given year?*What software/tooling are you using to track these requests - please specify?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download