
Freedom of Information Request

Monthly performance data from your investment pools for all the absolute return/hedge funds

Received: 25 July 2024

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am hoping to request monthly performance data from your investment pools for all the absolute return/hedge funds in which you are currently invested. Specifically, we are after data for the following time periods and following funds/managers: *January 2022 to May 2024 (or most recent month available) Allianz Global InvestorsPemberton Asset Management We are looking for details, including standard data, such as: * Fund name * Management Company * Monthly net/gross returns As per the above legislation could you kindly attempt to provide the information within 20 days. If you intend to withhold any of this information, could you please utilize redaction processes citing each exemption and detailing your reasoning as to why you believe the harm/prejudice of disclosure outweighs the public interest in transparency.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download