
Freedom of Information Request

FOI on EHCP and EPs

Received: 9 July 2024

1. For each quarter of each financial year since Q1 of 2018, the average waiting time for an EHCP to be issued in your council area. 2. The average number of educational psychologists employed centrally by the council each financial year since April 2018.3. The total spend of centrally employed EPs each year.4. The average number of educational psychologists used by the council that are not centrally employed since April 2018. For example, locum or private EPs, but not exclusively. If you can state which route they were employed down, such as locum or private, I'd be grateful. 5. The total spend on EPs not employed by the council each year since April 2018. Please can this information be contained in an excel spreadsheet.

Outcome / Documents

  • Information request (ref 12527952) - FOI on EHCP and EPs - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet - Download
  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download