
Freedom of Information Request

Deaf sign language users

Received: 26 June 2024

This is an FOI request for your borough. I am interested only in information related to Deaf sign language users. I am not interested in hard of hearing data, or other types of hearing loss1. Total Number: Could you please provide the current total number of registered Deaf sign language users within the borough that:A) Access or are registered with your sensory services teamB) Have a Freedom travel pass due to meeting the criteria of being profoundly or severely Deaf (I appreciate you may not be able to distinguish if they are sign language users, but if you can that is useful)C) Any other numbers from databases that collates numbers of Deaf sign language users in your boroughD) What this number is as a percentage is against your overall borough population (please give these figures)2. What services does the borough offer specifically for Deaf sign language users and by whom (organisation name), and how many individuals use these services annually?3. Any other community support initiatives or programmes are available specifically for Deaf sign language users in the borough?4. What is your total public health budget as outlined in the Public Health Grant? Give amount and time period.5. What amount of this budget is spent on Deaf sign language users (Cost in £s and percentage of overall budget)6. Have you facilitated any Deafness related public health programmes in the last 5 years or provided specific Deafness related support to your public health programmes. Give brief bulleted details if so, with costs.The time period I am after is ideally the last financial year, or a clearly marked period of time in recent times since 2020.Pls state time period.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download