
Freedom of Information Request

Tree planting

Received: 13 June 2024

Please could you provide information under the FOIA for the below;1. How many trees has the local authority, its contractors or other organisations funded by the council planted in the borough between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2024, and how many trees have been removed in the same timeframe? Where known, please also provide information about the number of trees planted on land the Council has made available to other parties for tree planting. Please provide information in a table with the headings/format below.- Number of trees planted by the council, its contractors and/or other organisations funded by the council- Where known, number of trees planted where the council has made land available to other parties for tree planting- Number of trees removed2019/202020/212021/222022/232023/242. What are the council's tree planting targets for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2030? How many trees does it intend to plant in the borough over this period (either by the council, its contractors or other organisations funded by the council) and how many does it expect will have to be removed? Where known, please also provide information about tree planting targets on land the council has made or intends to make available to other parties for tree planting. Please provide information in a table with the headings/format below.- Targets for tree planting by the council, its contractors and/or other organisations funded by the council- Where known, targets for tree planting on land the council has made or intends to make available to other parties for tree planting- Expected number of trees to be removed2024/252025/262026/272027/282028/292029/30

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download